The BCMEA encourages future colleagues currently attending college or university to join us at our annual conference. As a current undergraduate student, you can enjoy the professional benefits of attending and participating in the conference for little more than the cost of membership! In place of a registration fee, students are required to volunteer a minimum of 4 hours of their time to the operation of the conference.
Please read the following job descriptions and sign-up procedures carefully. **Please note that the option to volunteer for a reduced rate is ONLY available to CURRENT UNDERGRAD students at a college or university. Masters students are NOT eligible for this option. How to become a volunteer: 1.Read all information carefully! 2.Register for the conference (see Registration Page) as a student. 3.Contact Trisha Weaver with your volunteer shift request.
Volunteer Shift Requests will be received between May 1st and October 1st, 2022. Students registering after October 1st will be assigned to shifts based on remaining availability so don’t delay!
Session Host Introduce and thank clinicians, manage the session room, and assist clinician as required. Please make special requests for which session(s) you would like to hosts. Requests not guaranteed. Friday & Saturday Shifts: 8am-10am, 10am-noon, 2pm-4pm
Conference Site Staff Assist with the general workings of the conference such as facilities management, pre-conference set-up, post-conference take-down, and various support positions for committee members as required. Students from the Lower Mainland are needed for the Thursday shifts. Thursday Shifts: various between noon & 10pm Friday Shifts: various between 7am & noon Saturday Shifts: various between 7am & 6pm
Conference Ambassador Welcome clinicians, delegates, and industry personnel and provide basic operational information. Two ambassadors will be stationed at the Vancouver International Airport to assist arriving clinicians with connection to the Conference Site via the Canada Line. Thursday Shift: noon-8pm Friday Shift: 9am-8pm
Concert Staff What better way to see the inner-workings of a concert and the preparation that goes on beforehand? Please indicate any previous stage management or crew experience when submitting your request for shift assignment.
Stage Manager Friday: 9am-11pm (lunches/dinners provided & accommodations, if necessary)